The Kickstart Scheme is a fully-funded Government programme working with employers in offering 6-months employment to young people, 16-24, to enable them to:
- Develop new skills
- Move into sustained employment after their 6-months job opportunity
Are YOU an employer within the Bromley Borough seeking to grow your business?
Might you be able to offer a new job opportunity to someone on this scheme?
Transitions Career Management and Training can help you to apply for funding to participate in the Scheme and provide the employability training required to make the job experience a success. We provide training for your new employees to help them maximise their experience with your business. Our signature TAKE 5! Programme covers the essentials of Employability, plus the opportunity for you and your employee to select from our range of professional development options.
About: Denise Meade-Hill is a qualified Career Coach with over 15 years of supporting individuals with their professional development across the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. Her background includes a successful career as a Strengths Coach, Learning and Development consultant, and professional Trainer.
Contact: or Tel 07947990923