Welcome. This is a great opportunity to advertise and promote yourself for free.
It’s so difficult right now to meet people, hand out a business card and sell your services to local people and businesses.
Our meetings are normally in person at the Bromley Football club, but are currently meeting on line .. on zoom in the comfort of your own home, with around 35-40 other businesses and entrepreneurs for you to meet and network with. We are looking to be introduced to new local and reliable businesses to pass work and recommend our clients to.
It would be great if you could come along. I hope this helps, I love to keep business local. It’s really good to get your business out there locally for many reasons, local orders, more likes and shares on your page and much more.
We meet on Tuesdays at 6.45am until 8.45ish. I know it is early but it is the best time of day to get self employed and business owners in the room, without interfering with their day.
Best of all, it is currently FREE to visit our meeting as a guest
Click this link to register: https://bni.app/bc8658
My name is John Voyo and I host the meetings and it would be great to meet you.
If you have any questions please contact me
Email – john@voyomassage.com, Phone – 07850123465
We do have a policy of one business being represented at each meeting, to lock out the competition and capitalise on the business being passed for each role represented in the meeting.
The current businesses represented can be seen at http://bnikeane.co.uk/